Monday, September 1, 2008

Ethics and Psychology

This was another gen-ed it was easy and it was entertaining, we go over typical psychology stuff like Freud and Jung, we had a whole day of the MBTI (Myers Brigs Type Indicator) personality test, which was a lot of fun. The actual class work consisted of developing a personality of a character for a game, movie, book, etc. We focused on using techniques born from Jungian psychology, Freudian, behaviorism, different types of ethics, existentialism and humanistic psychology. And I think it worked, its pretty cool to be able to walk away from a course and know how to create a fully developed character with beliefs and ethics, shortcomings, and disorders. And be able to put that into a game or movie and know how they will respond to different situations based on the ethics you gave them and what not.

Overall an easy class, entertaining and insightful.

1 comment:

Wii Man said...

Who is the head of the Psychology Department at Full Sail? Do you have an email address?