Sunday, January 4, 2009

Windows Programming 1 (Pong)

Ok so windows programming marks the beginning of life outside of the command console, you learn some cool Win32 stuff, actually you learn the basic win32 stuff for most of the class then you learn how to use DLL's, static Libraries, Multi-threading, and some neat tricks like have a command console and window running together. This class was really packed with good stuff, the Multi-Threading, DLL's, and Static libraries are covered again in more depth.

One of the first things we did was create tic-tac-toe, this takes up the first half of the class, the other half is used to your very own version of pong.

I used my little math library to create the ball and paddles in 3D, but I ended up just using them in a 2D fashion. Z-buffering was becoming a problem and win32 does not have a simple fix for this.

Anyhow, this was a good class with some really good knowledge to be had.

I will try to post the game once I get ftp access to my road runner site again, apparently they thought it best to only allow uploading of music and picture files through their main interface.

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