Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is this my blog?

Hello internet people - its been a long time. I'm doing fine I graduate in Febuary next year. Got real busy and kinda fell off the blog wagon, but I want this thing to be complete so I'm not letting go completely just yet.

I see that I left off with Windows 2, which means DirectX is the next class I took along side Software Architecture or SWA.

What to say about DirectX - when I took this several months back Wendy Jones had just started teaching, it was her second month. Wendy has a few DirectX books out there and she knows her stuff for sure.

This was a pretty tough class with her, lots to do and little time to do it in, the main mistakes I kept making in this class were copy and paste mistakes (were copied code compiles fine but creates a bug). This type of mistake is really common, I don't want to say don't do it, just get good at it. In this class you will learn lighting, particles, 3D sound, rendering 3D models and 2D sprites.

Overall the course is just a start into DirectX it will teach how to use Direct3D, Direct Input, and Direct Sound which is just a small part of making a game (but important).

Things that have changed:
Today this course is fully shader driven so you will learn how to implement 3D graphics using what the industry uses - shaders. (Shaders use custom scripting/code that give you near complete control over what gets put on the screen). Another big change is that now you read in 3D models from Maya using a custom exporter that you write a month prior to this class in 3DCC (3d Content and Creation)

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