Monday, April 7, 2008

Orientation, More money saved, The beach

So I completed orientation last Friday. It was long, cold, and I was hungry. The main feeling that I brought away from it was, that Full Sail is very serious about you following rules, showing up on time, and being honest. They exact stiff penalties for breaking the rules or acts of disparaging character. For example, they said one student in the gamedev course had asked another student for some help on a coding lab. The other student had all ready done the lab and shared code on a disk, that disk was passed around and code was copied. They were caught plagiarizing, and those that just copied the code were suspended a month, had to pay to retake the course and lost out on living expenses. Those who copied and shared it were suspended for 2 months and had to pay to retake the course. The course cost about 9K. The lady at orientation said they use software to compare your code with code from other students to verify its original. So they are a little more high tech than most universities.

After Orientation I picked up my books with the other students in my gamedev class. We arranged a get together and do what gamers do, we played halo-3, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4, so on and so forth.

More Money Saved!
I've been studying like crazy to take the Calc and Trig test-out exam and its been good to go back over everything, however, I got an email this morning and they notified me I now had a transfer credit for for Calc and Trig so I accepted the credit. I no longer have to take the test and I got the credit, whoohoo!

To the Beach
So off to the beach we went, I had my transfer credit it was time to unwind. It was great, partly cloudy, 78 degrees. The sand was fine, the water was cold and it only took about 45 minutes to get there.


~kristi said...

very cool pics!! LE saw your pic and said she did not know who you were, but then saw pic of both of you and said, ahh Tam and Timmy! She called you that the other night too!!

Tom Richards, aka OldWeirdDad said...

I am leaving a test comment. Did it work?

Hey, it worked!!

Keep up the good work, boy, and watch out for alligators.